Getting Around (Travel)
Regular Bus Services:
685 Carlisle - Newcastle (operator Arriva or Stagecoach) - Hourly
X84/X85 Hexham - Newcastle (operator Go NorthEast) - Hourly
85 Hexham - Newcastle (Sundays & Bank Holidays only)
The nearest train station is Wylam (approx 3.5 miles); Station Road, Wylam, Northumberland NE41 8JA, tel 0845 000 0125. Trains run about hourly to Newcastle and Hexham.
Tyne & Wear Metro
The nearest Metro station is Newcastle Airport, which is approximately 5-6 miles away. Parking at the airport is expensive however, and it may be advisable to travel to the next station down the line, Callerton Parkway, where all-day parking is much less expensive.
Approx 5-6 miles. Newcastle International Airport, Woolsington, Newcastle upon Tyne NE13 8BZ.
Internal flights around the UK together with regular short & medium haul tourist destinations.
Tel 0871 882 1121
Taxi Companies
LA Taxis 0191 287 7777
Tyne Valley Cabs 07946 401722 (08081 927 777 - freephone)